
Gene link to seizures in children after MMR vaccine

Scientists in Denmark said Sunday they had found genetic clues to explain why a small number of children have febrile seizures—brief convulsions—after receiving the measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine.


Researchers find master switch for adult epilepsy

UC Irvine and French researchers have identified a central switch responsible for the transformation of healthy brain cells into epileptic ones, opening the way to both treat and prevent temporal lobe epilepsy.

Medical research

Hyperventilation may trigger febrile seizures in children

New research shows that febrile seizures in children may be linked to respiratory alkalosis, indicated by elevated blood pH and low carbon dioxide levels caused by hyperventilation, and independent of the underlying infection ...


Engineered flies spill secret of seizures

In a newly reported set of experiments that show the value of a particularly precise but difficult genetic engineering technique, researchers at Brown University and the University of California–Irvine have created a Drosophila ...


Heat a trigger for seizures

Fever is the most common trigger for seizures in children between 5 months and 6 years of age. But the underlying cause is not always clear.


Sudden, unexplained child deaths often have a genetic cause

When a baby or toddler dies without warning, parents often blame themselves. A study at Boston Children's may provide some insight into sudden, unexplained child deaths and perhaps a measure of closure. It suggests that at ...


New mechanism for febrile seizures in young children discovered

Febrile seizures are among the most dreaded complications of infectious diseases in small children. An international research team composed of experts from the Universities of Tübingen, Leuven and Luxembourg has now made ...

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