
Federal health insurance aid in doubt for nearly 8 million

Nearly 8 million people could lose up to $24 billion a year in health insurance subsidies in a Supreme Court case threatening President Barack Obama's law, according to a government report released Tuesday.


If Supreme Court says no, they'd lose health insurance help

(AP)—Millions of Americans have a big personal stake in next Wednesday's Supreme Court challenge to the nation's health care law: Can they legally continue to get subsidies to help pay for their insurance? If the court ...


New questions over abortion coverage in health law

A nonpartisan report to Congress is raising new questions about a key provision of federal health care law: a compromise on abortion that allowed the legislation to pass in 2010.


2.6 million 'inconsistencies' in federal insurance applications

(HealthDay)—Two new U.S. reports suggest it's possible that people who signed up for health insurance under the Affordable Care Act on the federal government's health care website—or state websites in California and Connecticut—may ...


'Coverage gap' likely to affect 5.2 million uninsured adults

(HealthDay)—About 5.2 million uninsured adults are expected to fall into the Affordable Care Act (ACA) 'coverage gap,' with incomes too high to qualify for Medicaid programs but below the level eligible for federal subsidies ...


Is US health-care reform on track for 2014?

(HealthDay)—At the heart of President Barack Obama's sweeping yet controversial health-reform law is the largest expansion of health insurance in decades, and it's set to take effect on Jan. 1, 2014. But some observers ...


Many uninsured vets will be eligible for Medicaid under ACA

(HealthDay)—A large proportion of uninsured veterans and their spouses will be eligible for Medicaid or new subsidies for coverage under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), according to a report published by the Robert Wood ...

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