Psychology & Psychiatry

Children as young as 4 eat more when bored, study shows

A new study carried out at Aston University has shown that children as young as 4 years old eat 79% more calories when they are bored, compared to when they are in a neutral mood.


Right amount of fat and protein, key to babies

The early childhood diet and that of the mother during pregnancy determines the health of a child later life. This is the claim that the EU-funded research project Early Nutrition is trying to substantiate by the time it ...


FDA bans BPA from baby bottles, sippy cups

(HealthDay) -- The controversial plastics chemical bisphenol A (BPA) is now banned for use in baby bottles and sippy cups, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration announced Tuesday.


Maternal perceptions of toddler body size often wrong

A study of mothers and their toddlers suggests that mothers of overweight toddlers often had inaccurate perceptions of their child's body size, according to a report published in the May issue of Archives of Pediatrics & ...


Managing nighttime breastfeeding in young infants

By following normal mother-infant physiology, parents can get more sleep. The Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine (ABM) has released new guidelines to help parents manage nighttime breastfeeding in young infants. The new clinical ...

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