
Low risk of severe COVID-19 in children

So far, little research has been done on the risk of children being seriously affected by COVID-19 when the schools were open. A study from Karolinska Institutet has now shown that one child in 130,000 was treated in an intensive ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Neurotic people feel worse emotionally during the corona crisis

When the corona pandemic began in March, it fundamentally changed many people's everyday lives. A normal working day, vibrant public life, carefree social contacts—all these things now seem like a memory from another age. ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

What makes a happy couple, a happy family?

"Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way," Leo Tolstoy wrote famously in 1878 in the opening lines of Anna Karenina. Turns out the Russian author was onto something.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Sharp decline in mental health for young Australians

COVID-19 is continuing to lead to worsening mental health outcomes for young Australians, with the highest levels of psychological distress for 18- to 24-year-olds observed this year, new analysis from The Australian National ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Swiss fatalism protects against negative feelings in the pandemic

Trust or disappointment in government crisis management is an important factor for the general mood, according to a study by the University of Zurich based on surveys in Israel and Switzerland. At the end of April, Israelis ...


Watching nature on TV can boost wellbeing, finds new study

Watching high quality nature programmes on TV can uplift people's moods, reduce negative emotions, and help alleviate the kind of boredom associated with being isolated indoors, according to a new study published today in ...

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