
Kenya's flying doctors group awarded top Spanish prize

Amref Health Africa, a Kenya-based flying doctors group, was awarded on Wednesday Spain's prestigious Princess of Asturias award for international cooperation for their efforts "to respond to the needs of millions of people ...


Communication is key to understanding female circumcision

Lack of communication hampers the prevention of female genital mutilation, according to anthropologist Rachel Issa Djesa. She has observed encounters between Norwegian authorities, health personnel and Somali women in Norway.


How different are female, male and intersex genital cutting?

Three members of the Dawoodi Bohra sect of Islam were recently indicted on charges of "female genital mutilation" (FGM) in the US state of Michigan. In Norway, meanwhile, one of the major political parties has backed a measure ...


New reconstructive surgery for female genital mutilation

There is new hope for the hundreds of millions of women worldwide who have been subjected to genital mutilation. A surgeon in Penn Medicine's Center for Human Appearance has developed a reconstructive procedure that can increase ...

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