Psychology & Psychiatry

Test tube children develop mentally normal

Whether a child is conceived naturally or in a Petri dish in an incubator has no bearing at all on the child's mental health. However, researchers have identified a small but increased risk of developing a mental disorder ...

Oncology & Cancer

Preventing eggs' death from chemotherapy

Young women who have cancer treatment often lose their fertility because chemotherapy and radiation can damage or kill their immature ovarian eggs, called oocytes. Now, Northwestern Medicine scientists have found the molecular ...

Medical research

A newly discovered hormone makes ovaries grow

A newly discovered hormone produced by the eggs of human females may improve the effectiveness of current fertility treatments for women and possibly lead to entirely new treatments altogether. According to new research published ...


Public funding spurs couples to seek fertility treatment

(HealthDay)—Public funding of assisted reproductive technology, including in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatments, broadens the range of couples who seek treatment for infertility by attracting a more diverse population, ...

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