
Drug 'cocktail' could restore vision in optic nerve injury

Research from Boston Children's Hospital suggests the possibility of restoring at least some visual function in people blinded by optic nerve damage from glaucoma, estimated to affect more than 4 million Americans, or from ...


How multiple sclerosis can be triggered by brain cell death

Multiple sclerosis (MS) may be triggered by the death of brain cells that make the insulation around nerve fibers, a surprising new view of the disease reported in a study from Northwestern Medicine and The University of ...


In just six months, exercise may help those with thinking problems

Getting the heart pumping with aerobic exercise, like walking or cycling for 35 minutes three times a week, may improve thinking skills in older adults with cognitive impairments, according to a study published in the December ...

Medical research

Exercise eases autism spectrum disorder in mouse model

A mouse model of autism has revealed how exercise changes the structure of the brain by eliminating the excess connections between neurons characteristic of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). After one month of voluntary running ...

Medical research

Why do aged muscles heal slowly?

As we age, the function and regenerative abilities of skeletal muscles deteriorate, which means it is difficult for the elderly to recover from injury or surgery. New work from Carnegie's Michelle Rozo, Liangji Li, and Chen-Ming ...


A little myelin goes a long way to restore nervous system function

In the central nervous system of humans and all other mammals, a vital insulating sheath composed of lipids and proteins around nerve fibers helps speed the electrical signals or nerve impulses that direct our bodies to walk, ...


Scientists develop a drug for the treatment of multiple sclerosis

A team of scientists has created a new form of a vaccine used for the treatment of multiple sclerosis, one of the most severe neurodegenerative autoimmune diseases. The drug has successfully passed pre-clinical trials and ...

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