
Could fish oil fight inflammation?

Plentiful in foods like fish and flaxseed, omega-3 fatty acids have long been linked with cardiovascular health, and new research is looking at the biology behind how it might work.


Human consumption of fish antibiotics investigated in new study

Consumers seeking cheaper, faster access to antibiotics are apparently consuming antibiotics intended for treating fish rather than humans, according to research presented at the ASHP (American Society of Health-System Pharmacists) ...


Decision-making process becomes visible in the brain

Without hardly noticing, we make countless decisions: to turn left or right on the bus? To wait or to accelerate? To look or to ignore? In the run-up to these decisions the brain evaluates sensory information and only then ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Supplements don't preserve kidney health in type 2 diabetes

Supplements of vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids (often sold as fish oil) do not help people with type 2 diabetes stave off chronic kidney disease, according to findings from the largest clinical study to date of the supplements ...


A tasty and nutritious way to prepare fish

(HealthDay)—Want to get more fish in your diet with a lot more flavor? This two-step technique yields a crispy outside and flaky fish within.


Researchers get the best out of the daily dose of fish oil

Fish oil—it's one of the most commonly consumed dietary supplements globally and little wonder because it is associated with a wide range of health benefits—reducing cholesterol and hardening of the arteries, improving ...

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