
Study shows cognitive benefit of lifelong bilingualism

Seniors who have spoken two languages since childhood are faster than single-language speakers at switching from one task to another, according to a study published in the January 9 issue of The Journal of Neuroscience. ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Keep that holiday feeling throughout 2013

Has the return to work got you feeling down in the dumps? Don't worry, advises QUT psychology lecturer Associate Professor Robert Schweitzer, your reaction is perfectly normal.


Brain waves encode rules for behavior

One of the biggest puzzles in neuroscience is how our brains encode thoughts, such as perceptions and memories, at the cellular level. Some evidence suggests that ensembles of neurons represent each unique piece of information, ...

Medical research

Neuroscientists find promise in addressing Fragile X afflictions

Neuroscientists at New York University have devised a method that has reduced several afflictions associated with Fragile X syndrome (FXS) in laboratory mice. Their findings, which are reported in the journal Neuron, offer ...


Japan tooth patch could be end of decay

Scientists in Japan have created a microscopically thin film that can coat individual teeth to prevent decay or to make them appear whiter, the chief researcher said.

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