Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Weather patterns play significant role in seasonal influenza

Influenza is like a cloud, moving across Canada with the fall weather. McMaster researchers have established that the spread of seasonal flu in Canada is tied to low temperature and low humidity, and travels west to east—findings ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Tweets can help track national health trends—and now local ones too

(Medical Xpress)—When Twitter recently unveiled a new grant program that will allow outside researchers to mine its stockpile of tweets, the social media site pointed to Johns Hopkins' flu tracking as one example of the ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Is a really bad flu season on the way?

(HealthDay)—It could be a bad flu season this year—and for a couple of years to come—in places in the United States where COVID-19 restrictions like social distancing and masking have been lifted, researchers warn.


Recommendation against inhaled flu vaccine is good—for now

Recent federal recommendations against offering the inhaled nasal influenza vaccine due to lack of effectiveness could lead to more flu illness in the U.S. if the inhaled vaccine becomes effective again or if not having the ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

End of brutal flu season in sight

(HealthDay)—It's been a particularly tough flu season, but spring—and real relief—may be near, new numbers show.

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