Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Why historians ignored the Spanish flu

To judge by the popularity of films like World War Z, pandemics are in vogue and none more so than the Spanish influenza of 1918-19. To mark the centenary of the pandemic this autumn, the BBC has commissioned Spanish Flu: ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Here's why the 2017 flu season was so bad

Australia has recorded 221,853 flu infections so far in 2017, more than any other year. As the flu season comes to an end, we're beginning to understand why it was so bad. And it wasn't because of increased, or more sensitive, ...


Smartphone survey to track flu in Western New York

When a flu epidemic hits a metropolitan area, it's helpful for public health officials to know how quickly the disease could spread and which residents may be most vulnerable to infection.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

The business cycle drives the spread of viral diseases

A study by Bocconi's Jérôme Adda shows that epidemics spread faster during economic booms because more people are traveling and finds that school shutdowns and transportation network closures are seldom efficient measures


Digital epidemiology—tracking diseases in the mobile age

Being stuck in bed, waiting for the flu to run its course, is pretty unpleasant. And it's also really boring. What else is there to do but search for symptoms online, and read entries about the flu on Wikipedia or WebMD or ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Lessons from the 'Spanish flu,' nearly 100 years later

Just in time for flu season, a new Michigan State University study of "the mother of all pandemics" could offer insight into infection control measures for the flu and other epidemic diseases.


Researchers find that influenza has an Achilles' heel

Flu epidemics cause up to half a million deaths worldwide each year, and emerging strains continually threaten to spread to humans and cause even deadlier pandemics. A study published by Cell Press on April 10 in the journal ...

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