Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

For Americans, flu remains a bigger threat than coronavirus

While a new virus that originated in China has prompted Americans to wear masks on the subway and cancel international trips for fear of falling ill, a much deadlier killer already stalking the United States has been largely ...


Unmet need for physician care not improving with more insured

Most measures of unmet need for physician services in the United States have not improved since 1998 despite gains in health insurance coverage, according to a study published online Jan. 27 in JAMA Internal Medicine.


Many U.S. adults misinformed about the flu, vaccination

(HealthDay)—Many U.S. adults are misinformed about the influenza virus and the importance of flu vaccination, according to the results of a survey released by the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP).

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Bill allowing pharmacists to give kids the flu shot at risk

The contentious debate about whether Connecticut lawmakers should scrap a religious exemption for certain childhood vaccinations could inadvertently end up sinking efforts to make the flu vaccine more accessible to children.


Building a better flu shot

Each year millions of Americans become sick with the flu, hundreds of thousands are hospitalized and tens of thousands die. Getting the flu shot can reduce the chances of infection. But, at best, the vaccine is only effective ...


Efforts to move the needle on flu shot rates get stuck

It's free and available everywhere. Yet most Americans skip the annual flu shot—with the number of dispensed vaccines barely changed in the past decade, despite government removal of cost and access obstacles.

Medical economics

The startlingly high cost of the 'free' flu shot

In the Byzantine world of health care pricing, most people wouldn't expect that the ubiquitous flu shot could be a prime example of how the system's lack of transparency can lead to disparate costs.


Flu shot may aid heart bypass recovery

Getting a flu shot before heart bypass surgery can head off inflammation throughout the body and possibly lead to a healthier recovery, a new study suggests.

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