
Dietitian offers advice for diet after ostomy surgery

An ostomy is a surgically created opening in which the small or large intestine is brought out through an opening in the abdominal wall. Patients with inflammatory bowel disease like ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease or ...


Finding a fiber that fits

Have you given much thought to the fiber in your diet? Probably not, if you are like most Americans. While recommended intakes of dietary fiber range from 21-25 grams per day for women to 30-38 for men (depending on age), ...


Running in the summer? Follow these tips to avoid dehydration

Running season is here, and athletes of all levels need to watch their water intake. Dehydration, a risk that increases in warmer weather, can reduce mental activity and physical coordination, as well as contribute to fatigue, ...


How to fast safely during Ramadan: What the science shows

For 1.9 billion Muslims, Ramadan is the ninth and holiest Islamic month and this year starts on March 11. During the 30 days of Ramadan, many Muslims fast, refraining from food, drink, smoking and sex, between dawn and sunset ...


Staying hydrated in the cold

As temperatures dip, the most obvious signs of dehydration often disappear. An expert with Baylor College of Medicine helps understand the importance of staying hydrated in cold weather and how to identify when it's time ...


Four essential food safety tips for summertime gatherings

Summer is a season of outdoor gatherings, barbecues and picnics, where food is often at the center of the festivities. However, the warm weather also creates ideal conditions for the growth of harmful bacteria, increasing ...

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