
Real-time readout of neurochemical activity

Scientists have created cells with fluorescent dyes that change color in response to specific neurochemicals. By implanting these cells into living mammalian brains, they have shown how neurochemical signaling changes as ...


Sugar solution makes tissues see-through

Japanese researchers have developed a new sugar and water-based solution that turns tissues transparent in just three days, without disrupting the shape and chemical nature of the samples. Combined with fluorescence microscopy, ...


Going live: Immune cell activation in multiple sclerosis

Biological processes are generally based on events at the molecular and cellular level. To understand what happens in the course of infections, diseases or normal bodily functions, scientists would need to examine individual ...

Medical research

New fluorescent dyes highlight neuronal activity

Researchers at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine have created a new generation of fast-acting fluorescent dyes that optically highlight electrical activity in neuronal membranes. The work is published ...

Oncology & Cancer

Fluorescent dye pinpoints tiniest signs of oesophageal cancer

(Medical Xpress) -- A fluorescent dye that can be sprayed onto the oesophagus – the food pipe – could be used to detect oesophageal cancer earlier and spare patients unnecessary treatment, according to research ...


New approach to real-time monitoring after pancreatic surgery

Complications after pancreatic surgery are common and can be life-threatening. One of the most serious yet common complications is postoperative pancreatic fistula. This condition is diagnosed based on increased concentrations ...

Medical research

Team delivers breakthrough 'nanobody' technology

Researchers led by Professor Steve Watson and Dr. Eleyna Martin from the Institute of Cardiovascular Sciences at the University of Birmingham have delivered a breakthrough for thrombosis researchers, by producing the first ...

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