Medical research

The real reason behind goosebumps

If you've ever wondered why we get goosebumps, you're in good company—so did Charles Darwin, who mused about them in his writings on evolution. Goosebumps might protect animals with thick fur from the cold, but we humans ...

Medical research

A study reveals potential causes of female infertility

Over the last six years a group of Estonian geneticists led by Associate Professor Agne Velthut-Meikas and Ph.D. student Ilmatar Rooda from the TalTech Department of Chemistry and Biotechnology have studied genes previously ...

Medical research

New insights provide hope for new hair growth in adults

We are born with all the hair follicles that we will ever have in our lives, because after birth the skin loses the ability to create new hair follicles. If our skin is severely damaged it cannot form new hair follicles or ...

Medical research

Solving a biological puzzle: How stress causes gray hair

When Marie Antoinette was captured during the French Revolution, her hair reportedly turned white overnight. In more recent history, John McCain experienced severe injuries as a prisoner of war during the Vietnam War—and ...

Medical research

Hair growth finding could make baldness 'optional'

The best way to avoid baldness is to stop hair from falling out in the first place. Now, researchers say a new hair growth discovery might help men keep their locks for a lifetime.

Medical research

Some skin cancers may start in hair follicles

Some of the most deadly skin cancers may start in stem cells that lend color to hair, and originate in hair follicles rather than in skin layers, a new study finds.

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