Overweight & Obesity

Africa urged to act fast to combat obesity surge

Urgent measures such as taxes and restrictions on sugary foods and drinks are needed to stem the rising trend of obesity in Africa, the World Health Organization (WHO) has warned.


Study: Omega 6 fats may pose dangers

New research is challenging widely held beliefs about the dietary benefits of unsaturated fats, showing that some types long considered healthy, such as corn and safflower oil, may actually harm people with heart problems.


Timing and duration matters for school lunch and recess

A new study finds that the duration and timing of lunch and recess is related to food choices and physical activity of school children. These findings could help schools make policies that promote healthier school lunches ...


New international dietary guidelines released

Food choices and excess body weight have now overtaken smoking as the most important preventable cause of disease. Newly updated dietary advice from the World Health Organization (WHO) on fat and carbohydrate intake is welcomed ...


Considering what Batman would eat helps kids' diets

(Medical Xpress) -- In the ongoing battle to get children to eat healthfully, parents may do well invoking the names of superheroes to come to their rescue, say Cornell researchers.


Preteen food choices may help predict eating disorders later

(HealthDay) -- The food choices young girls make could help doctors predict if they are at risk for developing an eating disorder as teenagers, according to a new study that analyzed food diaries compiled over the course ...

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