Overweight & Obesity

Taking a bite out of food ads targeted to kids

(HealthDay)—Kids can be as strongly influenced by TV commercials as by the shows themselves, and many studies have found that tempting food ads have a particularly harmful effect, contributing to childhood obesity.


Short duration between dinner, bed has no effect on HbA1c

(HealthDay)—Ensuring a short duration between dinner and bedtime has no effect on hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) levels in middle-aged and older Japanese adults, according to a study published online Jan. 22 in BMJ Nutrition, Prevention ...


Children with poor diet drink alcohol more often in adolescence

Children with unhealthy eating habits are at a higher risk of becoming regular alcohol drinkers at too early an age, even in their early teens, a study published in the journal Public Health Nutrition shows. The association ...


Protein wars—why men love meat

Nov. 1 is World Vegan Day and apparently Canada is going meatless, unless you are a white older male, that is.


Time to leave leftovers at the table

If you're hoping to lose weight by just eating half of what's on your plate and saving the rest for later, you could be waiting a while.


The rise of the conscious carnivore

The August long weekend approaches, and many Canadians will celebrate with picnics and barbecues. Meat often plays a central role when choosing the menu for gatherings among family and friends. But it seems eating meat is ...

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