
Time to leave leftovers at the table

If you're hoping to lose weight by just eating half of what's on your plate and saving the rest for later, you could be waiting a while.


The rise of the conscious carnivore

The August long weekend approaches, and many Canadians will celebrate with picnics and barbecues. Meat often plays a central role when choosing the menu for gatherings among family and friends. But it seems eating meat is ...


Spicy food may curb unhealthy cravings for salt

Chinese subjects who enjoyed spicy foods appeared to eat less salt and have lower blood pressure, potentially reducing their risk of heart attack and stroke, according to new research in the American Heart Association's journal ...


Bugs on the menu at Swiss supermarket

Switzerland's first insect-based food aimed at humans will go on sale next week following a revision of the country's food safety laws, a supermarket chain said Monday.

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