
Could phosphate additives in foods make you less active?

A new study suggests that high levels of inorganic phosphate—a preservative widely used in certain sodas, packaged meats and other processed foods—may be a reason why the U.S. population isn't as physically active as ...


Have your cake and lose weight, too

(HealthDay)—No one thinks of a piece of layer cake as a diet item. But it turns out that even conscientious label readers may overestimate the size of a single serving and underestimate the number of calories they're eating.


Salt: how to cut back without losing that delicious flavour

One of the targets of the UK government's new health strategy is salt. Your body needs salt to function normally, but an excess leads to raised blood pressure and an increase in the risk of stroke and heart disease. Since ...


Protein wars—why men love meat

Nov. 1 is World Vegan Day and apparently Canada is going meatless, unless you are a white older male, that is.


The trouble with edibles

On Oct. 17, smoking cannabis will become legal in Canada. As for cannabis edibles, they will take a bit longer: Cannabis-infused food products will be legal in a little less than a year's time.

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