Overweight & Obesity

Fighting obesity with apps and websites

A pending component of health care reform would require restaurants and vending machines to list calorie information on menus to help fight obesity.


Why printed calorie counts at restaurants are important

(HealthDay)—May 7, 2018 marked a milestone for public health in the United States. It's the date that mandatory nutrition and calorie information took effect for most chain restaurants, enabling consumers to compare menu ...


Virtual reality takes a leap into taste

A fly hasn't eaten for an entire day, and it's starving. It finds a pile of edible gelatinous goo and begins eating, when a green light appears, and the food, which was far from delicious a moment ago, becomes irresistibly ...


Expert offers tips about online nutrition information

In today's social media world, it's easier than ever to find "facts"—and increasingly difficult to figure out which of them are actually true. Reporting based on findings of nutrition research, in particular, is rife with ...

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