
Buying 'legal highs' from the Internet is a risky business

Many drugs sold as 'legal highs' on the internet do not contain the ingredients they claim. Some instead contain controlled substances and are illegal to sell over the internet. These are findings of Dr. Mark Baron, who bought ...


Tips to protect long-term brain health

There is a growing understanding of the role lifestyle choices play in preventing and slowing the progression of cognitive decline. While we await new treatments for Alzheimer's disease and other age-related dementias, emerging ...


FDA: Novartis recall may also affect painkillers

(AP) -- The Food and Drug Administration is warning patients about a potential mix-up between powerful prescription pain drugs and common over-the-counter medications like Excedrin and Gas-X made at a Novartis manufacturing ...


Is fake meat healthy? And what's actually in it?

The popularity of plant-based proteins, or "fake meat," has increased in recent years as consumers look to eat fewer animal products. In fact, plant-based protein is projected to be a A$3 billion opportunity for Australia ...


Five ways to reduce saturated fat

(HealthDay)—Cutting down on fat is a big part of any weight-loss diet. Fat has twice the calories of protein and carbs—so ounce for ounce, you can replace fat with twice the amount of those foods for the same calories.


Why is American food so unhealthy?

It's no secret: The standard American diet is at the root of the obesity epidemic and many of its associated diseases.


Genetically engineered rice: Protection from arsenic?

(Medical Xpress)—In an article this week, Consumer Reports is calling on the Food and Drug Administration to set standards for how much arsenic can be allowed in rice after finding the potential toxin in almost every rice ...


Pot-based prescription drug looks for FDA OK

A quarter-century after the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved the first prescription drugs based on the main psychoactive ingredient in marijuana, additional medicines derived from or inspired by the cannabis plant ...

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