Medical research

In fighting gut infections, nervous system is key, team finds

The peaceful and delicate co-existence of friendly gut bacteria and the immune system relies on highly coordinated information exchange between immune system cells and certain cells lining the intestine. Until now, scientists ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Food-poisoning bacteria may be behind Crohn's disease

People who retain a particular bacterium in their gut after a bout of food poisoning may be at an increased risk of developing Crohn's disease later in life, according to a new study led by researchers at McMaster University.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Scientists find a salty way to kill MRSA

Scientists have discovered a new way to attack Staphylococcus aureus bacteria. The team, from Imperial College London, have revealed how the bacteria regulates its salt levels.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Typhoid's lethal secret revealed

Typhoid fever is one of the oldest documented diseases known to have afflicted mankind but what makes it so lethal has remained a mystery for centuries. In a study appearing online July 10 in the journal Nature, Yale researchers ...

Medical research

Researchers trick bacteria to deliver a safer vaccine

(Medical Xpress)—Vaccines that employ weakened but live pathogens to trigger immune responses have inherent safety issues but Yale researchers have developed a new trick to circumvent the problem—using bacteria's own ...

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Food poisoning

Food poisoning refers to acute illness due to the ingestion of food. It can lead to infectious diarrhea.

The term usually includes:

The term usually does not include the consequences of invasive organisms acquired via the food supply. (The broader term foodborne illness includes these conditions.)

Onset of food poisoning following the consumption of the tainted food or drink can last from one to ten days.[clarification needed]

Food poisoning can be a notifiable disease in some jurisdictions. An alarming number of people are affected annually by food poisoning. Food poisoning endangers between sixty and eighty million people throughout the world each year and results in between six and eight million deaths.

Common causes of food poisoning: If the incubation period is less than six hours, a possible cause is Staphylococcus aureus toxin ingestion. Symptoms include vomiting, nausea, and diarrhea. Another is Bacillus cereus toxin ingestion. Symptoms include vomiting, and nausea (the "emetic syndrome").[citation needed]

If the incubation period is more than ten hours, a possible cause is B. cereus toxin ingestion. Symptoms include diarrhea and cramps (the "diarrheal syndrome"). Another is ingestion of Clostridium perfringens bacteria, which release a toxin in the gastrointestinal tract. Symptoms include diarrhea and cramps.[citation needed]

E. coli may also cause food poisoning with symptoms varying with the serotype.[citation needed]

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