
How to get rid of bad breath

About 1 in 4 people worldwide experience bad breath, according to the Cleveland Clinic—but that doesn't mean you're stuck with it.


Is ice cream really healthy? Here's what the evidence says

Ice cream lovers worldwide were probably rejoicing when a recent article suggested that indulging in your favorite flavor might be healthy. The article drew upon a 2018 doctoral thesis, which suggested that people with type ...


How cut back on sodium

People across the globe are consuming much more sodium than they should. And based on current recommendations, Americans shouldn't be having more than 2,300 milligrams of sodium each day. Instead, they're consuming closer ...


The world is hooked on junk food: How big companies pull it off

It is almost impossible nowadays to listen to the radio, watch TV or scroll through social media without being exposed to an advertisement telling us that all we need for a little happiness and love is a sugary drink or a ...

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