Psychology & Psychiatry

Feeling sated can become a cue to eat more

When hunger pangs strike, we usually interpret them as a cue to reach for a snack; when we start to feel full, we take it as a sign that we should stop eating. But new research shows that these associations can be learned ...


Caffeine tempers taste, triggering temptation for sweets

Caffeine, the widely consumed stimulant and igniter of sluggish mornings, has been found to temper taste buds temporarily, making food and drink seem less sweet, according to new Cornell University research.


The facts on flax

(HealthDay)—Though tiny in size, flax packs a big nutritional punch.


Can yogurt each day keep the doctor away?

Diabetes, heart disease and inflammatory disorders threaten the health of many Americans. University of Nebraska-Lincoln researchers are investigating the gut microbiome in search of answers.

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