
Food safety model may help pandemic management

A model for successfully managing food safety incidents has been developed by a diverse team of academics and researchers from Flinders University's College of Medicine and Public Health, and the College of Nursing and Health ...


Canadians support interventions to reduce dietary salt

Many Canadians are concerned about dietary sodium and welcome government intervention to reduce sodium intake through a variety of measures, including lowering sodium in food, and education and awareness, according to a national ...


Food craving is stronger, but controllable, for kids

Children show stronger food craving than adolescents and adults, but they are also able to use a cognitive strategy that reduces craving, according to new research published in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Laying money on the line leads to healthier food choices over time

People are more likely to choose healthy options at the grocery store if they use the risk of losing their monthly healthy food discount as a motivational tool, according to new research published in Psychological Science, ...


Slow headway for food safety

(Medical Xpress)—Despite the availability of new and preventive methods against foodborne diseases, their uptake throughout the entire chain of food production appears to be slow.

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