
Q and A: Proper posture and body alignment

DEAR MAYO CLINIC: My grandmother lives with me, and she is always nagging me to "stand up straight" and "put your shoulders back." She says good posture will keep me healthy as I age. But I'm only 17. Does it really matter ...


Simple test helps to predict and prevent falls

The "enhanced paper grip test" validated by researchers from the Centre for Biomechanics and Rehabilitation Technologies (CBRT) at Staffordshire University involves pulling a small card from underneath the participant's foot ...

Sports medicine & Kinesiology

Quad training for knee support

Whether you're mountain biking, kicking a soccer ball with friends, or just sprinting down the street to catch a bus, your quadriceps are hard at work.


The keys to perfect lunges and squats

(HealthDay)—Want two moves that will effectively develop your lower body? Then add lunges and squats to your strength-training workout.


Stretches for calves, hamstrings and quads

(HealthDay)—Stretching your leg muscles can improve your flexibility and prevent injury. Here are three stretches that you can do every day and at every age.

Medical research

Artificial muscle power

Think about the way your leg muscles work. At rest, the muscles are relaxed and stretched out. When in use, the muscles tighten to perform any number of movements, from lifting your foot to walking, dancing and more.


Exercise injury prevention: Protecting your ankles

(HealthDay)—Guarding against injury means increasing both flexibility and strength. Target the muscles that support your ankles to protect your joints by strength-training two or three times a week on alternating days and ...

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