
The perfect fit: A 'shoe-in' for a great start to school

As the back-to-school rush begins, podiatry experts at the University of South Australia are encouraging parents to get their children's school shoes professionally fitted, as new research confirms that ill-fitted footwear ...

Arthritis & Rheumatism

Blame your parents for bunion woes

A novel study reports that white men and women of European descent inherit common foot disorders, such as bunions (hallux valgus) and lesser toe deformities, including hammer or claw toe. Findings from the Framingham Foot ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Mcr-1 gene isolated from human for the first time in Brazil

August 8, 2016 - For the first time in Brazil, a particular antibiotic resistance mechanism conferring resistance to the important antibiotic, colistin, has been detected in a human. It was in a strain of Escherichia coli ...


Sharp fall in amputations due to type 1 diabetes

Amputation in type 1 diabetes is becoming relatively less common in Sweden. The rate has fallen by just over 40 percent over an approximately 20-year period, a University of Gothenburg study shows.

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