
How to avoid foot amputation in diabetic patients

Scientists from Tomsk Polytechnic University and National Autonomous Mexico University have developed techniques to treat diabetic foot syndrome with special insoles with silver nano-particles. The technique helps to fight ...


FDA approves device for diabetic foot ulcers

(HealthDay)—The Integra Omnigraft Dermal Regeneration Matrix has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to treat diabetic foot ulcers.


Foot painters' toes mapped like fingers in the brain

Using your feet like hands can cause organised 'hand-like' maps of the toes in the brain, never before documented in people, finds a new UCL-led study of two professional foot painters.


The keys to perfect lunges and squats

(HealthDay)—Want two moves that will effectively develop your lower body? Then add lunges and squats to your strength-training workout.


Thermal imaging improves diabetes-related foot ulcer assessment

Thermal imaging can better predict a diabetes related foot ulcer's size and the healing trajectory than conventional methods, Melbourne-led research has found. It could also possibly save money through better targeted treatment.

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