Medical research

Seeking medical insights in the physics of mucus

As much as we might not want to think about it, mucus is everywhere in our bodies. It coats our airways and our digestive systems and serves as a first line of defense against pathogens, a habitat for our microbiomes, and ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Pathogens use force to breach immune defenses, study finds

Similar to a burglar breaking a window to get into a house, Indiana University researchers have discovered a previously unknown process by which pathogens enter a cell with physical force, breaching the body's immune defenses ...

Oncology & Cancer

High lung cancer rates in naval veterans linked to asbestos

A University of Adelaide and Oxford University study has discovered asbestos exposure led to a higher incidence of asbestos-related lung cancers in British and Australian naval personnel than in other armed forces.

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