Medical research

Researchers discover molecule behind the benefits of exercise

While it's clear that exercise can improve health and longevity, the changes that occur in the body to facilitate these benefits are less clear. Now researchers publishing in the January issue of Cell Press journal Cell Metabolism ...

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

11 new genetic susceptibility factors for Alzheimer's disease discovered

The largest international study ever conducted on Alzheimer's disease (AD), the I-GAP (International Genomics Alzheimer's Project) consortium has identified 11 new regions of the genome involved in the onset of this neurodegenerative ...

Oncology & Cancer

Team pinpoints biological risk factor in obesity-related cancers

It is estimated that over a third of the new cancer cases expected to occur in the U.S. in 2013 will be related to overweight or obesity, physical inactivity, and poor nutrition. Thanks to the work of one NYU Steinhardt researcher, ...

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