
The antioxidant capacity of orange juice is multiplied tenfold

The antioxidant activity of citrus juices and other foods is undervalued. A new technique developed by researchers from the University of Granada for measuring this property generates values that are ten times higher than ...

Inflammatory disorders

Chronic inflammation accelerates ageing

(Medical Xpress)—Inflammation could be a key factor in the ageing process academics at Newcastle University have found, and the discovery could help scientists identify new ways of delaying ageing.


Do vitamin supplements prevent macular degeneration?

Vitamin and mineral supplements won't prevent the development of age-related macular degeneration. But there is some evidence taking supplements containing vitamin C, vitamin E and zinc may slow the progression of age-related ...

Medical research

Novel nanoparticle enhances radiation tumor killing

Radiation kills tumors by creating oxygen free radicals that damage the tumor DNA. However, the lack of oxygen in the center of tumors blocks the production of free radicals, inhibiting radiation killing. NIBIB researchers ...


New studies highlight risks of vitamin supplements

New research is prompting a fresh look at the value of vitamin supplements, with some surprising results indicating that taking too many supplements of some could be harmful.


Researchers make less carcinogenic cigarette

(Medical Xpress) -- Though emphasizing that quitting is the best remedy to combat health problems for smokers, Cornell researchers have found a way to make cigarettes less toxic.

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