
Novel antioxidant makes old blood vessels seem young again

Older adults who take a novel antioxidant that specifically targets cellular powerhouses, or mitochondria, see age-related vascular changes reverse by the equivalent of 15 to 20 years within six weeks, according to new University ...


Bacteria in the gut have a direct line to the brain

With its 100 million neurons, the gut has earned a reputation as the body's "second brain"—corresponding with the real brain to manage things like intestinal muscle activity and enzyme secretions. A growing community of ...


Antioxidant cocktail key to preventing Alzheimer's

Research from The University of Western Australia has found a diet rich in nutrients and antioxidants may prevent or even reverse the effects of Alzheimer's disease.

Inflammatory disorders

'Super melanin' heals skin injuries from sunburn, chemical burns

Imagine a skin cream that heals damage occurring throughout the day when your skin is exposed to sunlight or environmental toxins. That's the potential of a synthetic, biomimetic melanin developed by scientists at Northwestern ...


Scientists reveal mechanism that causes irritable bowel syndrome

KU Leuven researchers have identified the biological mechanism that explains why some people experience abdominal pain when they eat certain foods. The finding paves the way for more efficient treatment of irritable bowel ...


Black pepper: Healthy or not?

Everybody knows that consuming too much salt is bad for your health. But nobody ever mentions the potential impact of the other condiment in the cruet set: black pepper. Does it have an effect on your health?

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