
Study: Infant formula ads reduce breast-feeding

The World Health Organization said a study has found that Filipino mothers who have been influenced by advertisements or their doctors to use infant formula are two to four times more likely to feed their babies with those ...

Gerontology & Geriatrics

Exploring issues around aged care and intimacy

A snapshot of how residential aged care facilities respond to the issue of sex and intimacy amongst its residents was recently published in the Journal of Medical Ethics.


Dangerous experiment in fetal engineering

(Medical Xpress) -- A new paper just published in the Journal of Bioethical Inquiry uses extensive Freedom of Information Act findings to detail an extremely troubling off-label medical intervention employed in the U.S. on ...


Cheaper chocolate and alcohol are a public health setback

Norway's budget settlement between the government and the Progress Party resulted in getting rid of the sugar tax for chocolate and sweets, halving the tax on soft drinks, cutting the taxes on snuff by 25 percent and on beer ...


Obama birth control mandates loosens lawsuits

(AP)—The legal challenges over religious freedom and the birth control coverage requirement in President Barack Obama's health care overhaul appear to be moving toward the U.S. Supreme Court.

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