Psychology & Psychiatry

Infants show ability to tell friends from foes

(Medical Xpress)—Even before babies have language skills or much information about social structures, they can infer whether other people are likely to be friends by observing their likes and dislikes, a new study on infant ...


Study sheds light on low asthma rates in rural children

Researchers Oluwafemi Oluwole and Joshua Lawson have shed light on findings from previous studies that indicated rural children are less likely to have asthma. Without investigating diagnostic explanations, those studies ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

You are what you 'like', according to new Facebook personality test

Pretty much all of us work with computers these days. The problem with computers is that while they can complete complex calculations and recall distant details, they're terrible at sensing how you're feeling. And that can ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

When opinions threaten friendships

(HealthDay)—Friendships are supportive connections, and it's not always easy to make them in adulthood. So protecting them is important.

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