Medical research

Scientists uncover new pathway for research in brain diseases

The purpose of certain proteins in the brain, known as ion channels, is to regulate how nerve cells fire, or send information. But a Yale-led research team has uncovered a previously unknown function for a particular channel ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Children who overestimate their popularity less likely to be bullies

Children who overestimate their popularity are less likely to be bullies than those who underestimate or hold more accurate assessments of their social standing, finds new research to be presented at the 108th Annual Meeting ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

More Facebook friends means more stress, says report

A large number of friends on Facebook may appear impressive but, according to a new report, the more social circles a person is linked to online the more likely social media will be a source of stress.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Q&A: Countdown to control anxiety

I recently turned 45 and have been dealing with anxiety for several years. My feelings of worry, stress and fatigue have increased, leading me to avoid social events and limit activities I used to enjoy. My friend suggested ...

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