Psychology & Psychiatry

Caring friends can save the world

Craig Kielburger was only 12 years old when he travelled to India to see the plight of child laborers first hand. 14-year-old Malala Yousafzai took a stand against the Taliban with her campaign for women's education rights. ...


How to help a friend quit smoking

My name is Mifa Kim. I'm a senior studying psychology and a peer educator at CU-Boulder's Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS). I am spreading the word about the How to Help a Friend campaign, an online resource with ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

How we handle objects depends on who owns them

From scissors and staplers to car keys and cell phones, we pass objects to other people every day. We often try to pass the objects so that the handle or other useful feature is facing the appropriate direction for the person ...

Oncology & Cancer

A sustainable diagnosis tool for multiple cancers

An accurate, affordable, environmentally and user-friendly diagnostic tool for multiple cancers—including pancreatic, gastric, and colorectal cancers—is reported in a paper in Nature Sustainability. The tool can diagnose ...

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