
No cupcakes here! Gold-medal school fights obesity

(AP) -- Five-year-olds dance hip-hop to the alphabet. Third-graders learn math by twisting into geometric shapes, fifth-graders by calculating calories. And everyone goes to the gym - every day.


Extra virgin olive oil is the best option for frying fish

Cooking characteristics such as frying techniques, the nature of the oil used and the fish species have been shown to exert a great influence on the changes that take place during frying. UPV/EHU researchers have shown that ...

Overweight & Obesity

Sugary drinks weigh heavily on teenage obesity

New research shows sugary drinks are the worst offenders in the fight against youth obesity and recommends that B.C. schools fully implement healthy eating guidelines to reduce their consumption.


McDonald's launching meatless 'McPlant' burger

Fast food giant McDonald's on Monday announced it was launching a new plant-based burger named the "McPlant" to cater to the growing number of people who do not eat meat.

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