
Key steps for global health, climate post-COP28

Researchers from the Monash Sustainable Development Institute have published a research paper that details how the global health community can play an integral role in decision-making and action to address climate change.


Radiologists propose actions to combat climate change

A diverse writing group—lead by authors at the University of Toronto—have developed an approach for radiology departments and practices to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions and become more resilient to the effects ...


Economic hard times make Swedes cut back on drinking

A slumping economy gave Swedes less to cheer about last year as alcohol consumption fell the most in nearly a decade in the Nordic country, excluding the 2020 pandemic, research showed Friday.

Oncology & Cancer

Scientists uncover technique to cut off cancer's fuel supply

Scientists at The University of Texas at Austin have discovered how an aggressive and deadly form of leukemia fuels its growth. In an experimental study, they were able to curb the cancer's growth without harming healthy ...

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Fuel is any material that is burned or altered to obtain energy and to heat or to move an object. Fuel releases its energy either through a chemical reaction means, such as combustion, or nuclear means, such as nuclear fission or nuclear fusion. An important property of a useful fuel is that its energy can be stored to be released only when needed, and that the release is controlled in such a way that the energy can be harnessed to produce work. Examples: Methane, Petrol and Oil.

All carbon-based life forms—from microorganisms to animals and humans—depend on and use fuels as their source of energy. Their cells engage in an enzyme-mediated chemical process called metabolism that converts energy from food or light into a form that can be used to sustain life. Additionally, humans employ a variety of techniques to convert one form of energy into another, producing usable energy for purposes that go far beyond the energy needs of a human body. The application of energy released from fuels ranges from heat to cooking and from powering weapons to combustion and generation of electricity.

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