
Researchers can predict future actions from human brain activity

( -- Bringing the real world into the brain scanner, researchers at The University of Western Ontario from The Centre for Brain and Mind can now determine the action a person was planning, mere moments before ...


Acid in the brain: Team develops new way to look at brain function

University of Iowa neuroscientist John Wemmie, M.D., Ph.D., is interested in the effect of acid in the brain. His studies suggest that increased acidity or low pH, in the brain is linked to panic disorders, anxiety, and depression. ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Exploring the role of appetite change in depression

Major depressive disorders are characterized by a significant health burden, including changes in appetite and body weight. Identifying biomarkers such as changes in brain function to treat depression is difficult due to ...


Learning to control brain activity improves visual sensitivity

Training human volunteers to control their own brain activity in precise areas of the brain can enhance fundamental aspects of their visual sensitivity, according to a new study. This non-invasive 'neurofeedback' approach ...


Type 2 diabetes accelerates brain aging and cognitive decline

Scientists have demonstrated that normal brain aging is accelerated by approximately 26% in people with progressive type 2 diabetes compared to individuals without the disease, reports a study published today in eLife.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Brain changes during orgasmic meditation, study finds

In a first-ever study, orgasmic meditation, a unique spiritual practice that uses stimulation of a woman's clitoris as its focus, has been found to produce a distinctive pattern of brain function, according to a study published ...


Word association: Study matches brain scans with complex thought

In an effort to understand what happens in the brain when a person reads or considers such abstract ideas as love or justice, Princeton researchers have for the first time matched images of brain activity with categories ...

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