
Microgravity changes brain connectivity

An international team of Russian and Belgian researchers, including scientists from HSE University, has found out that space travel has a significant impact on the brain: they discovered that cosmonauts demonstrate changes ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Researchers look to unlock post-traumatic stress disorder puzzle

A team of Penn State and University of Puerto Rico School of Medicine researchers is attempting to answer a question that has long puzzled experts: Why do some individuals suffer post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) after ...

Medical research

Does a bigger brain make you smarter?

Increasing the size of neural circuits in the brain can boost learning performance, but this increased connectivity also has the potential to impede learning, new research has revealed.


Growing a cerebral tract in a microscale brain model

An international research team led by The University of Tokyo modeled the growth of cerebral tracts. Using neurons derived from stem cells, they grew cortical-like spheroids. In a microdevice, the spheroids extended bundles ...

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Home-based tools can help assess dementia risk and progression

Clinical trials to develop new therapeutic and preventive treatments for Alzheimer's disease (AD) are costly, complicated and often preclude persons most at risk of developing the degenerative neurological condition: Older ...

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