Medical research

Does a bigger brain make you smarter?

Increasing the size of neural circuits in the brain can boost learning performance, but this increased connectivity also has the potential to impede learning, new research has revealed.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Brain changes during orgasmic meditation, study finds

In a first-ever study, orgasmic meditation, a unique spiritual practice that uses stimulation of a woman's clitoris as its focus, has been found to produce a distinctive pattern of brain function, according to a study published ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Dyslexic readers have disrupted network connections in the brain

Dyslexia, the most commonly diagnosed learning disability in the United States, is a neurological reading disability that occurs when the regions of the brain that process written language don't function normally.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Are we wired for romance? fMRI imaging and genetic analysis say yes

If you've ever been a newlywed, you know the tingly euphoria of saying "I do" and starting a life with your spouse. This is romantic love, Western style. We often chalk it up to "chemistry," an ill-defined connection of hearts ...

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Home-based tools can help assess dementia risk and progression

Clinical trials to develop new therapeutic and preventive treatments for Alzheimer's disease (AD) are costly, complicated and often preclude persons most at risk of developing the degenerative neurological condition: Older ...

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