Medical research

Avocado seed extract shows promise as anti-inflammatory compound

An extract from the seeds of avocados exhibited anti-inflammatory properties in a laboratory study, according to Penn State researchers, and it represents a potential source for novel anti-inflammatory compounds that could ...


Living better with heart failure by changing what you eat

Diet can dramatically lower hypertension and improve heart function in patients with a common type of heart failure, according to research presented at today's Heart Failure Society of America meeting in Orlando, Fla.


Plant-based diets improve cardiac function, cognitive health

What if you could improve your heart health and brain function by changing your diet? Boston University School of Medicine researchers have found that by eating more plant-based food such as berries and green leafy vegetables ...


Tasty desserts that boost the immune system

Desserts that stimulate digestion through biotechnology strengthen the immune system, prevent the development of respiratory and intestinal diseases and benefit people with cancer. Examples of such functional food items are ...

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