Overweight & Obesity

High-fat diet consequences include mental fatigue, researchers say

Obesity has been shown to place physical stress on the body, but new research suggests that excess weight may also cause mental fatigue. The research, originally slated for presentation at the APS annual meeting at Experimental ...


Older people in Africa have limited functional ability

The number of adults living into older age in sub-Saharan Africa is rapidly growing yet many older men and women will have an illness or disability that limits their ability to function, according to a study by researchers ...


People on higher incomes are happier with new knees

Knee replacement surgery is a very common procedure. However, it does not always resolve function or pain in all the recipients of new knees. A study by Robert Barrack, MD and his colleagues from the Washington University ...


Workshop yields new function-promoting therapy research

Experts have identified a public health need as well as strategic opportunities for the accelerated development of function-promoting therapies for older adults. They present new research on this topic in a supplemental issue ...

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