
Visually navigating on foot uses a unique brain region

Using vision to efficiently move through an area by foot uses a unique region of the brain's cortex, according to a small study organized by the National Eye Institute (NEI). The region, called the occipital place area (OPA), ...


Detecting hidden brain states with mathematical models

Mental health disorders can only be diagnosed on the basis of symptoms—and individual outcomes cannot be accurately predicted. An ETH scientist hopes to change that with the help of mathematical models.


New sound navigation technology enables the blind to navigate

A new study by researchers at Reichman University's Brain Cognition and Technology Institute directed by Prof. Amir Amedi has shown that visual navigation areas in the brain can be activated using sound. By traversing mazes ...


How the brain creates your taste in art

It has been said that there is no accounting for taste. But what if taste can actually be accounted for, and what if the things doing the accounting are the neural networks inside your brain?


Space travel influences the way the brain works

Scientists of the University of Antwerp and University of Liège (Belgium) have found how the human brain changes and adapts to weightlessness after being in space for six months. Some of the changes turned out to be lasting—even ...

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