
Casino lights and sounds encourage risky decision-making

The blinking lights and exciting jingles in casinos may encourage risky decision-making and potentially promote problem gambling behaviour, suggests new research from the University of British Columbia.

Psychology & Psychiatry

How gambling distorts reality and hooks your brain

To call gambling a "game of chance" evokes fun, random luck and a sense of collective engagement. These playful connotations may be part of why almost 80 percent of American adults gamble at some point in their lifetime. ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

50 years on, UK betting shops lure new breed of punters

Fifty years after legalisation, the UK's betting shops are attracting a new type of customer. This widening appeal may have harmful consequences in terms of problem gambling, argues initial research findings funded by the ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Gambling addiction influenced by room design

Rooms where gambling machines are tightly clumped in ways that discourage social interaction are more likely to result in heavy and problematic gambling, according to an Auckland gambling addiction expert.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Gamblers in a spin over frustrating losses

A new study provides evidence that gamblers interpret near-misses as frustrating losses rather than near-wins. This frustration stimulates the reward systems in the brain to promote continued gambling, according to Mike Dixon ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Discovery opens up new treatments for problem gamblers

After looking at images of slot machines and roulette, problem gamblers experience increased activity in the same part of the brain that lights up when drug addicts have cravings, according to a new UBC psychology study.

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