
New study focuses on improving cognitive symptoms of lupus

A National Jewish Health led study recently published in Lupus finds that technology using video game-based cognitive therapy improves attention and executive functioning in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE).


Video games positively impact variety of health outcomes

(HealthDay) -- Although additional rigorous clinical trials are warranted, the literature suggests that video games can be useful in improving a variety of health outcomes, particularly those in the areas of psychological ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Logic fights impulse in economic decision-making

Money can make people act crazy, but there is a small group of people that act more rationally than most, and this behavior may be due to their high "cognitive control," according to a new study being published in the Nov. ...


Brain scans show we take risks because we can't stop ourselves

A new study correlating brain activity with how people make decisions suggests that when individuals engage in risky behavior, such as drunk driving or unsafe sex, it's probably not because their brains' desire systems are ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Video games boost visual attention but reduce impulse control

A person playing a first-person shooter video game like Halo or Unreal Tournament must make decisions quickly. That fast-paced decision-making, it turns out, boosts the player's visual skills but comes at a cost, according ...


Young risk-Takers drawn to dangerous 'Choking game'

(HealthDay) -- In a new study, about 6 percent of eighth graders admitted they had participated in the "choking game," in which blood and oxygen to the brain are cut off with a rope or belt to produce a euphoric "high."

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