
Scientists get clearer picture of developing teen brain

In a paper published in Progress in Neurobiology, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine neuroscientists described compelling new evidence of a critical neuroplasticity period in the frontal brain region during adolescence, ...


How cannabis affects cognition and psychology

Cannabis has been used by humans for thousands of years and is one of the most popular drugs today. With effects such as feelings of joy and relaxation, it is also legal to prescribe or take in several countries.


Study finds GABA cells help fight alcoholism

Scientists of the Higher School of Economics, Indiana University, and École normale supérieure have clarified how alcohol influences the dopamine and inhibitory cells in the midbrain that are involved in the reward system ...


On nutrition: Supplements for sleep

It's true that as we age, we don't sleep as well or as long. Why is that? Scientists say several changes occur with aging that disrupt our natural sleep cycle.

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