Psychology & Psychiatry

Greenspaces should support mental health among young adults

Even though many global cities incorporate greenspaces such as pocket parks and community gardens into their urban planning efforts, new UBC research shows those plans often fail to include the needs of youth and young adults ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Gardening eased lockdown loneliness as pandemic paralyzed Britain

Therapeutic community gardening helped reduce loneliness as the pandemic paralyzed the nation, University of Essex research has revealed. A study that unfolded across three years of the COVID-19 crisis found that horticulture ...


Gardening can cultivate better mental health

Many longtime gardeners will tell you that the garden is their happy place. New research suggests that many people may indeed reap mental health benefits from working with plants—even if they've never gardened before.


How parks and green spaces can improve your health

Parks and green spaces provide a variety of health benefits by promoting physical activity, connection to nature and opportunities for community engagement. Nature-based programs can even be prescribed by health care providers ...


Love of nature is partially heritable, study of twins shows

A person's appreciation of nature and their tendency to visit natural spaces are heritable characteristics, according to a large-scale study of UK twins led by Chia-chen Chang at the National University of Singapore, publishing ...

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