
Surrogacy—the impossible dream of a fair trade baby

While western couples get their longed-for child, Indian surrogate mothers are left with a feeling of having sacrificed more than they have gained. Surrogacy can never become a win-win situation, according to anthropologist ...


UN plan to end AIDS by 2030 faces Russian resistance

UN member-states agreed on Wednesday to fast-track their response to end the AIDS pandemic by 2030 despite a last-minute bid by Russia to dilute efforts to focus on drug users and gay men.


Survey suggests children of gay fathers are well adjusted

Compared to a national sample of heterosexual parents, gay fathers report similar parenting behavior and measures of wellbeing in their children, according to new research to be presented at the Pediatric Academic Societies ...


France to lift ban on gay men giving blood

France said Wednesday it will lift a ban on gay men giving blood, but only if they abstain from sex in the months beforehand—an exclusion denounced as discriminatory by rights groups.

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