Psychology & Psychiatry

Social development of infants unaffected by COVID-19 pandemic

Health issues and loss, social isolation and mental health problems—the pandemic has had a drastic effect on our society. But how have the youngest members of society been coping with these changes? Researchers at the University ...


When eyes meet, neurons start to fire

Their eyes met across a crowded dance floor, causing specialized neurons to begin firing in multiple regions of both brains that are tasked with deriving meaning from a social gaze.


Brief period of 'blindness' is essential for vision

Fixational eye movements are tiny movements of the eye—so small we humans aren't even aware of them. Yet they play a large role in our ability to see letters, numbers, and objects at a distance.

Autism spectrum disorders

Using game technology to help adolescents on the autism spectrum

People on the autism spectrum often struggle to interpret facial cues, partially because they are unable to recognize how eye gaze direction is used to predict the actions and intentions of others. This can have huge implications ...

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Gaze is a psychoanalytical term brought into popular usage by Jacques Lacan to describe the anxious state that comes with the awareness that one can be viewed. The psychological effect, Lacan argues, is that the subject loses some sense of autonomy upon realizing that he or she is a visible object. This concept is bound with his theory of the mirror stage, in which a child encountering a mirror realizes that he or she has an external appearance. Lacan suggests that this gaze effect can similarly be produced by any conceivable object such as a chair or a television screen. This is not to say that the object behaves optically as a mirror; instead it means that the awareness of any object can induce an awareness of also being an object.

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